Service Level Agreement

Service Agreement for the Provision of Psychometric Assessment Services

Allworth Juniper is committed to providing the highest level of service to our clients. Service standards and procedures for the provision of psychometric assessment for the selection of job candidates is as follows:

  • Choice of tests and assessment methods. The range of tests and assessments to be administered will be determined in consultation with the client and will take into account the competencies the client wishes to assess and the role level.
  • Test administration. Candidates can usually be assessed within a couple of days notice depending on their schedule and availability. Most tests are completed on-line at the candidate’s convenience. While the duration of the assessment will vary depending on the nature and number of tests used, a standard assessment requires about 2-3 hours of candidate time.
  • Feedback to client. Clients are contacted by phone for initial feedback within 24 hours of the candidate completing the assessment, unless otherwise agreed with the client.
  • Reports. A written report is delivered to the client within 48 hours unless otherwise agreed with the client. The format and level of detail provided in the report will be agreed with the client prior to the assessment.
  • Feedback to candidates. Verbal feedback is available to all candidates after a decision has been made by the client. Candidates are advised at the time of their assessment that they will need to contact Allworth Juniper to receive feedback. Feedback to candidates on their assessment will be provided by a psychologist.
  • Privacy and informed consent. Reports are issued with the informed consent of the candidate. Candidates who undertake the assessment unsupervised are advised that completion of the assessment is indication of their authorisation for the release of their results to the client and/or recruitment agency.
  • Use of reports. Assessment reports should not be used for any purpose other than that for which they were originally prepared. Assessment results will only be reissued with the written consent of the candidate. Assessment results that are likely to be out-dated (after 12 months) may not be released.
  • Management of the process. The assessment process is managed by a registered psychologist who will also write the report and provide feedback to the client and candidate.
  • Fees. All fees will be agreed with the client prior to conducting the assessment and will be forwarded directly to the client. Any costs associated with the administration of tests and/or the generation of reports for candidates whose application has been withdrawn either by the client or the candidate, will be passed to the client.