Psychometric test development (hover and open: Manage your costs of assessment by developing your own psychometric tests. Allworth Juniper has the experience and statistical expertise to support you design, develop and validate tests that assess the capabilities you need in your people and are legally defensible.) We’ve worked with the Australian Public Service to develop a standardised biodata questionnaire; we’ve developed personality and aptitude tests for a major freight handling association, leadership and change readiness assessments for a management consultancy; and are currently developing our own Motivational Needs Questionnaire (MNQ) (click here to complete the questionnaire – will take no longer than 5 minutes to complete).
Evaluation and validation of assessment methods (hover and open: Do you know whether the assessments you use for employee recruitment and selection are effective in helping you to identify talent? Are you getting the value you need from the assessments you use in the selection and development of your people? Allworth Juniper can help you evaluate and validate the assessment methods you currently use such as psychometric tests, 360-degree surveys, interviews, assessment centres, etc.)
Best practice in recruitment and selection (hover and open: Are you and your hiring managers getting the most out of the psychometric assessment results? Is an average result on a cognitive ability test ok? Allworth Juniper is able to provide training to hiring managers in best practice recruitment and selection techniques. This session can also provide information on how psychometric assessment fits into the recruitment process; its benefits and limitations; and how to get the most out of the results.)
Company-specific normative databases (hover and open: Company-specific norms provide a particularly useful benchmark against which future candidates can be assessed. Allworth Juniper can compile company-specific normative databases to assist clients to select the highest calibre applicants for their roles.)