Psychometric test development

Manage your costs of assessment by developing your own psychometric tests. Allworth Juniper has the experience and expertise to help you design, develop and validate tests that assess the capabilities you need in your people and are legally defensible. We can either coach, support and give feedback to you on your R&D program and plans (that is, you manage the project and call on our support and guidance as required), or we can design and fully develop a test for you.

Examples of our test development consulting include:

  • Personality questionnaire and aptitude tests (freight handling company)
  • Biodata (Australian Public Service)
  • Leadership and personality test (leadership development consultancy)
  • Change readiness test (change management consultancy)
  • 360 survey (diversity and inclusion consultancy)
  • Career Values Questionnaire (CVQ) (Allworth Juniper)
  • Motivational Needs Questionnaire (MNQ) (Allworth Juniper, in development)